Energy Healing Appointments
In many ways, science is only beginning to be able to trace and measure the human spirit.
Only within our lifetimes have scientists discovered that the heart emits an electromagnetic aura that spans 3 to 5 feet outside the body.
There are multiple ancient and recent healing lineages that conceptualize the human and health. In Ayurveda, humans have 5 bodies: ‘food body’ (meat body), energy body, mental/emotional body, emotional/psychic body, and the bliss body. In yoga, the mind is conceptualized as a complex structure, the body as a complex structure, and the breath as the means by which healing and ‘nirvana’, (or ‘buddha mind’ or ‘samadhi’) can be achieved. And so on. The West tends to have a less developed framework for scientifically understanding aspects of life beyond the physical.
As yoga, buddhism, paganism, indigenuous ways, etc, become integrated into the mainstream, they import concepts without attention to the underlying assumptions and ideas that underline the various approaches to defining the human being. In other words, concepts are often imported through a “customs check” where everything that doesn’t align with Western assumptions about the nature of reality have to be left at the gate.
In my healing system, I have integrated my 20 years in the yoga community, training by a top tier research college in a wide range of social science methodologies, and training by the Core Star Energy Healing School. In my experiences, I have found that there is an underlying, invisible reality that is possible to manipulate with only the tools of the human psyche. I use the techniques of the Core Star system to assess and treat clients’ energy bodies, mental bodies, and the various ailments of the food body. As ‘problems’ clear away in those fields, clients naturally form a deeper connection to their bliss body. In other words, they live life more authentically connected to their heart and soul.
So, if you are feeling stuck in some aspect of your mental or emotional life, or you have health problems, or you have life goals that you want to achieve but feel blocked from by fate, humans, your health, or your self, then consider energy healing as an option. Sometimes, curing the mind can cure the heart. And sometimes, curing the heart can cure your health. And sometimes, just connecting to your heart can lead to that better job, or finding love. And regular treatment can reduce both the underlying causes and symptoms of physical illness. Everyone has their unique path through life. And energy healing can help you travel that path more deeply in touch with the joy of living.
Is there something on your mind about the nature of energy healings that you’d like to bring up? Share below.
Here's a brief glimpse into what it looks like, but, of course, a video fails to capture the deep sensation of relaxation and peacefulness that accompanies a healing.
“Amanda is the best energy healer I have ever experienced in my life. After a career in the military and 4 stressful combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, I had tried massage therapy, Reiki masters and other healers to holistically heal me after of all those years of a stressful life. After one of Amanda’s energy healing sessions, I felt healed at the cellular level, felt emotional cleansed, that evening slept the best in five years and I felt rested and psychologically healed. Her soul and emotion truly desires to help people heal, and it is expressed in her energy during the session.
Amanda is an exceptionally spiritual person with an endearing and generous soul to make a difference in people’s lives by assisting them in healing themselves. She is one of the most beautifully spirited souls that I have met and she is healing me one session at a time like no other methodologies have been able to before. I am a better, balanced, and grounded individual because of her gracious healing sessions. I am just not able to say enough of how much it re-shaped my direction spirituality and most of all grounded me. Thank you for saving me.”
Reach out to schedule. Available by Zoom or in person in Kansas City.